Pixelexperience New update for oneplus 6 and 6T:Is it worth to upgrade from beast syberia OS Skip to main content

Awaken OS OnePlus 6+6T New update 15th March 2022 Full Review and Test

 Last time on 5th of the March I gave you update blogpost for awaken OS oneplus 6 and 6T. That rom was pretty solid But still some users reported that mic issue in audio calls so Vikas aka Optimus and all awaken OS devs team has released new update on 15th March. Visually you will not see any difference in the rom but when you use it it's actually makes difference in usage than previous rom. As this rom is now encrypted by default you need to clean flash the rom so without wasting time lets get started for installation and review.  As you can see that last time I was on evolution-x android 12L rom. I will now start flashing of awaken os so first Download Awaken OS zip file and finalize zip OnePlus 6: DOWNLOAD OnePlus 6T: DOWNLOAD Finalize zip: DOWNLOAD If you are doing first time installation you need following files : TWRP for onepus6: DOWNLOAD TWRP for onepus6T: DOWNLOAD OxygenOS FIRMWARE for OnePlus 6: (if you are not on this base rom both slots A...

Pixelexperience New update for oneplus 6 and 6T:Is it worth to upgrade from beast syberia OS

 About Pixel Experience ROM: 

pixel experience is an AOSP based ROM, with Google apps included and all Pixel goodies (launcher, wallpapers, icons, fonts, boot animation).Our mission is to offer the maximum possible stability and security, along with essential and useful features for the proper functioning of the device. We are a community-driven open source project, so we have no affiliation with Google LLC company.

                       Hey whats up guys God of all custom roms pixel experience android 12 based rom is now available for oneplus 6 and 6T devices. I alredy created video at youtube for firsttime installation link of the video is given below.


Recentely pixel team has relseased the new update for the rom so today on 10the Feb 2022.In this post we will see installation and small review of the rom and will discuss are previous bugs fixed or not? What new features are implemented in the rom and is it worth to upgrade from the beast Syberia OS? android 12 rom which we are using from last few months.


1)You must be on TWRP 3.6 links are given below in the post.

2) Oxygen os or OOS must be on the both slots flashed if not following are links for firmware flash them on both slots

Oxygen os FIRMWARE for oneplus6:(if u r not on this base rom on both slots A/B)


 Oxygennos 11.1 base firmware for OnePlus 6T:



First download The all files given below

ROM included with gapps OnePlus 6:


ROM included with gapps OnePlus 6T:


Finalize zip:

DM Verity zip:( if we want to decrypt internal storage so we can access storage in twrp  then only we need to flash This)


So before proceeding remove all pin password from settting now Reboot to twrp by using advance Reboot if you are on syberia rom but if u r on Pixelexperience just power off u r phone and longpress volume down and power.
It will boot to twrp, twrp 3.6 is recommended if you dont have twrp 3.6 following are links for twrp image and zip files.

Twrp image and zip for OnePlus 6 (join telegram to download) : 


Twrp image and zip for OnePlus 6T:


Now in twrp tap Install and falsh pixel experience rom zip.
After falshing zip now tap advance and select Install current twrp you can flash twrp zip also if u didn't have this option in twrp links are given as above.

Reboot back to twrp. Now select finalize zip after flashing completes flash dm variety zip and all is done. If you are coming from different ROM you need to go to format data and type yes otherwise skip this step. Now tap Reboot to system. 


 1)What changed in about phone:

So here I coming from syberia I did clean flash then completed setup. If we goes to setting and about phone we see that we upgraded to latest build of  10th Feb 2022, but surprisingly we got jan 2022  security patch but syberia team implemented feb 2022 security patch.The big plus point this build is that devs updated this rom with there signature Kernel  Primus 4.9.230 but syberia has 4.9.300 instead, but still overall performance boosted in the rom as they also merged with Latest LOS(lineagOS) caf based sources.
So it's a big plus point.

2) Performance:

You can see performance,touch response, app opening speed, ram management all.things got boosted because of Kernel and caf based source building.
I also took geekbench test we got 493 single core which is preety good as compared to average results at geekbench.
But multi-core is 1569 which is low as compared to average.
But don't believe in  these score rom is very good in terms of performance.

They also increased Fingerprint sensor speed because of los based changes which is pretty fast when we check but very little difference between Syberia and this rom but its welcome  implementation..

3)What fixed:

They also fixed ok google detection. Previously we are not able to activate this feature under google app and voice setting. Now it's available you can set your voice activation and and now it's working too. Surprisingly ok google is also working in off screen mode which is VERY good feature I think.

Old issue of more rounded screen corners have been fixed in the rom now screen is fully utilizes as they removed that more curved edges in this build.

In call low mic issue has been  fixed in the rom I tested some calls and theybare woring perfect without mic issues.

In this build they added burn in protection on alway display by shifting pixels to avoid pixel burns.

Rom is passing safety net as I didn't tested in last videos so you can use all banking apps, can watch Netflix in hd resolution with wildvine 1, google play is also certified .

 4)What's not fixed:

Usb otg still not detecting in the ROM but its working inside twrp mode it will be FIXED soon as per developers.

Another issue I found is that I cants able record audio using external mic sound quality is dam bad when in used to record audio using mic in in recording apps.

Rom still not included with camera but still we can use GCAM , also I have given OxygenOS camera app in video description.

C)Final verdict:

So as per second build release of this rom it performed very good in all sectors but still as compared to syberia, it has some  bugs of OTG, MIC etc which are considerable but still you will not feel the stability like syberia in this ROM. Syberia rom is pretty old and matured now and has some few but unique customisation which are missing in the rom. Syberia has inbuilt oos cam and gallery app which are working descent, so I will still prefer syberia over pixel experience ROM. It's my personal opinion not saying PE is bad at all it's god of all roms gives you feel of pixel Devices but it need more time to make it outperform in the race. Battery life is not tested yet but I will now stay for 2,3 days on this and test full battery how it perform as compare to syberia.

Here is our video at youtube channel you can check out that also


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