Awaken OS New android 12 custom rom for Oneplus 6 and 6T Skip to main content

Awaken OS OnePlus 6+6T New update 15th March 2022 Full Review and Test

 Last time on 5th of the March I gave you update blogpost for awaken OS oneplus 6 and 6T. That rom was pretty solid But still some users reported that mic issue in audio calls so Vikas aka Optimus and all awaken OS devs team has released new update on 15th March. Visually you will not see any difference in the rom but when you use it it's actually makes difference in usage than previous rom. As this rom is now encrypted by default you need to clean flash the rom so without wasting time lets get started for installation and review.  As you can see that last time I was on evolution-x android 12L rom. I will now start flashing of awaken os so first Download Awaken OS zip file and finalize zip OnePlus 6: DOWNLOAD OnePlus 6T: DOWNLOAD Finalize zip: DOWNLOAD If you are doing first time installation you need following files : TWRP for onepus6: DOWNLOAD TWRP for onepus6T: DOWNLOAD OxygenOS FIRMWARE for OnePlus 6: (if you are not on this base rom both slots A...

Awaken OS New android 12 custom rom for Oneplus 6 and 6T

Awaken OS born different, now awaken brings consistent, fluent and smooth experience with all your must have customizations ions, for you, for community and for everyone.

                    So I was using pixel experience from few days on my one plus 6, but same developers team released more customisable new rom Aweken os for one plus 6 and 6T. Awaken os having astetic of pixel experience with addition of some custom features that are Missing in pixel experience rom 

So today in this post we will take a tour for installation and quick review of the rom  along with unique custom features.


1)Download Awaken os for both OnePlus 6 and 6T


2)Finalize zip:


3)DM Verity zip:  (If we want to decrypt internal storage so we can access storage in twrp then only we need to flash this)


4)Twrp for OnePlus 6 (join telegram to download) :


Twrp for OnePlus 6T:

5)OxygenOS FIRMWARE for OnePlus 6: (if you are not on this base rom both slots A/B)


OxygenOS 11.1 base firmware for OnePlus 6T:



So you need to download Aweken os full rom zip gapps included in this package. We also needs finalize zip and dm veriety zip to disable encryption issue in twrp.

First go to security and disable pin or password lock.

Now power off your device and by pressing volume down+ power button your device will boot in twrp latest twrp 3.6 is recommended.

Now tap install select rom zip file and slide the bar to install zip.

Now go back again tap install and select finalize zip after flashing completes go to advance and select install current twrp if u don't have this option in twrp  I have given twrp installer zip  under download section of this blogpost flash that now reboot back to twrp again.

Now flash dm veriety now go to wipe and tap format data,type YES and done now just tap reboot to the system.

Whats new in the Awaken OS? 

Phone will boot with beautiful boot animation of Awaken os.

Stock wallpepar of Awaken os looks cool.

If we check about phone in the setting.

Obviously we are upgraded to android 12 through 2.4 aurora version of Aweken os.

Security patch is also updated to 5th Feb 2022.Roms comes without Primus kernel it's 4.9.227. Build date is 26 Feb 2022.

Customizations features:

So let's check unique custom features as compare to pixel experience.

So finally we got face unlock in this rom.setting up and using face unlock is super easy and very fast.

As this is intial build under setting we didn't get any seperate customisation tab.

But lots of custom features available in display setting , in the  lockscreen tab we gets instant unlock for face unlock or swipable option to unlock.

Seperate tab to disable ripple effect after unlock.

Double tap to check phone or wake phone available and it's working good.

Ambient music ticker on AOD , MEDIA ART and music visulsizer available here you can see all the customisation working and they looks very nice.

Dark theme tab available with scheduling option  which is preety old feature but instead of that,We gets app drawer icon shape setting like pebble, square, teardrop etc.

Bunch of headline or body fonts available specially OnePlus slate and OnePlus sans looks good.

Icon pack is another tab there we gets bunch of system icon shapes for statusbar,quick setting and system setting.

Monet themeing  available by using this we can disable wallpepar based theming instead of that we can set accent colour picker. Seperate colour fullness ess and brightness sliders available to set different values . All these settings helps to give amazing look to system.

In the display customisation tab we gets battery styles,battery percentage, clock style,AM/PM styles, seconds and date customisation.

Ambient edge lighting available but it is not working.

 Rom didn't comes with any audio mod but in the quick setting we gets audio mod tile which has mono and stereo switch actually it's working and giving different audio depth.

Rom has wallpepar and style app with the themed icon and it's working very good.

 Rom has  OTA updater but now it's not fully working causing some force close.

 Google pixel devices free unlimited storage is available in the Google photo app.

Inside settings and apps we gets Google assistant dedicated tab from there we can quickly access hey Google activation, hold power button to access assistant.

Google assistant working perfectly and can be accessible through lockscreen.

Instead of that we gets game mode tab similar to last pixel video you can check that in right side card.

 Rom is passing safety net by default I used YASNSC app from playstore so  all banking app will work on this rom.

But still widevine is showing security level L3 so we can not watch  Netflix in full hd.

 So these are some unique customisation but still we will get new build soon where developers claimed that they are adding more features with proper custom tab like syberia os 

what's working:

 Wifi and wifi network are working no issues regarding 5hz WiFi networks.

 Bluetooth is working and I tested it with my OPPO echo M31 even high definition LDAC is working good.

Autobrighness  is working without any issues.

Stable volte incoming and outgoing calls are working.

NFC is working well. 

Auto rotation  and sound in video are working without any issues. 

Alert slider is working and there is custom setting available to customize the slider position inside system tab.

Camera app not available in the rom similar to PE rom so I used open camera and both picture and video recording is working still I have given OnePlus camera app and Google cam in the video description and both are working good.


No OTG support

Sometime low in all volume in voIP calls(calls via whatsapp, Google duo etc) 

Performance Test:

So let's see performance rom is very good interns of performance on single core I got 503 similar to average results on the multi-core it's given 2028 close to average results. If we keeps aside these results rom is very good real life performer.

Battery life:

So battery life not tested as I just installed it on the last night but I took 2,3 battery cycles PE rom which is base of this rom, and it's not good as compared to syberia.

4 to 5 hr SOT and 22 to 24 hr stand-by not completing whole day with single battery charge so As I think this rom has same base of PE  it may give same results but still I will report back soon after full test.

So this is full review of the new rom if you want look of pixel experience rom with some addon custom features you can definitely go with the rom.

Below is full video review at our channel 4U tech let's have a look.


  1. bonjour super rom bien plus fluide que oneplus 6 exeperience pour mon one plus 6 t par contre le son dans whatsapp est très mauvais.Sur le téléphone le son est moyen sauf en haut parleur qui est parfait.
    Je l'utilise depuis sa sortie et attends avec impatience une version qui corrigera les buggs sur whatspp.
    Bravo a vous

    1. Please talk in English we can't understand


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